Good Customer Service Means Money in the Till

Conclusion: Transforming your customer service department powerhouse requires a strategic approach. By implementing cross-selling and upselling techniques, offering premium support services, leveraging self-service options, gamifying customer support, and fostering collaboration across departments, you can unlock the true potential of your customer service interactions.
Live Chats WooCommerce integration, we can chat with your website visitors and see what they have collected in their shopping carts.
What’s in it for you WooCommerce is an e-commerce platform that allows transforming any WordPress website into an online store. It can be built as a stand-alone online store from scratch or integrate a shopping cart with a WordPress website. WooCommerce lets you manage the catalogue of your products, fulfil orders and accept various payments. […]
What does Live Chat look like in your Business?

Your customers will bounce off your site within 10-20 seconds if they do not get what they need straightaway.
Your customers have gone digital

Digital transformation is continuing. According to a report by KPMG 80% of customers intend to stay with digital channels they have become familiar with. Even when things get back to “normal” This is not surprising, given the rapid adoption of digital by businesses, wanting to keep in touch with their customers over the past six […]
Web based businesses
I am constantly online with my business. I support businesses 24/7 with a mix of Live Chat Agents and Chatbots. I came across this the other day “7-50 Potential Online Business Ideas That Could Make You Rich” I thought interesting! Especially as I provide a comprehensive live chat answering service for web based businesses….this is […]