These are our out of the box plans, we also offer bespoke plans for bigger enterprises.
150 Chats per Month – Live agent covers 8 business hours daily
Unlimited Chat History
Basic Reporting
Free set up
Account Manager
File Sharing
SMS/Facebook integration
350 Chats per Month – Live agent covers 8 business hours daily
Unlimited Chat History
Reporting weekly/monthly
Web Visitor Tracking
Free set up
Account Manager
SMS/Facebook integration
File Sharing
Phone Answering Service*
100 FAQ / Responses
500 Chats per Month – Live agent covers 8 business hours daily
Chatbot 24/7 cover for common questions
Unlimited Chat History
Advanced Reporting & Analytics
Day / Week / Month
Web Visitor Tracking
Free set up with fully customisable widget (Chat Button)
Account Manager
SMS / Facebook Integration
Dynamic Pre-chat
Two-factor authentication
E-commerce tools
Support for multiple domains and languages
File Sharing
We offer a completely tailored Enterprise level solution with extensive API integration and a fully bespoke platform that fits your organisation.
What are you waiting for?
Start a free trial today!
Get started today with a 7 day free trial that starts when we add the live chat button to your website.
Your questions answered
How does your pricing work?
We have no hidden set-up fees or admin charges. Our flexible pricing schemes include bundles of chats so you’re only paying for what you need.
Am I tied to a long-term contract?
No. Our chat plans are all monthly rolling. You can choose to be with us for as long or as little as you wish. We hope its longer than that!
Will I be charged for every chat, even if it’s a nuisance visitor or spam?
No. We only charge for chats where a visitor actually engages. As standard, this means at least two lines of conversation within the chat. If it’s a nuisance visitor or spam, your agent will flag it and you will not be charged for the chat.
Why do I need Live chat on my website?
LCF, agents can chat with around 4/5 of your clients at a time. A friendly web chat can provide the information and confidence a client needs to make that purchase or use your service. Statistics show that 42% of customers prefer Live Chat compared to just 23% for email.
How can I trust someone that isn’t directly employed by me to know and understand my business?
Outsourcing is a big decision but could be the right one for your business, you are in very experienced and supportive hands. We assign you a dedicated agent to get to know your business. That way you’re ensured of absolute quality and accountability for every communication.
My website doesn’t get many visitors, should I bother with Live chat?
We are happy to work with a range of clients. Some websites get hundreds of daily visitors, others just a few. One chat and one bit of business can make all the difference. Give Live Chat a try, get in touch and we can discuss a trial and what package is right for you.
Can I handle chats myself and use LCF for overflow or back up?
Yes. We can manage overflow on other platforms on request. Let the team know what is required and we will walk you through your options.
How does it work?
Start by contacting us to discuss the best options for your business. We then, simply place a small piece of code with your supervision onto your website. No new software or change to your Operating System. We start chatting with your clients on your behalf. The best thing is that your client will assume they are chatting with you. We will represent you, and your brand, with the highest level of quality customer service and care.
What kind of reporting is available?
All plans get a daily or if preferred weekly summary, which is a rundown of agents Live Chat activities. This is sent via email. Additionally, there are options with each plan to have further in-depth reporting.
Can you invite visitors to chat?
Yes, there are two types of greetings to engage visitors on your page.
Is the chat window customisable?
Live Chat window – We are placed where your visitors need us and where we can clearly be seen.
Pop-ups – A well designed visually appealing Pop up, with a call to action.
The chat window is fully customisable.
Possible modifications include:
- changing the colour scheme.
- choosing a particular theme.
- uploading your own logo.
- changing the language of the chat widget.