First time blogger, great at Live Chat
Hi my name is Karen Levett and I am the founder of the Live Chat Factory (LCF).
I’m launching Live Chat Factory (LCF) today Whoop Whoop! thank you for joining me and taking time to find out what it’s all about. How are you? I’d like to think you are fine if you are reading my blog. I really hope you are.
I had the idea to start an outsourced Live Chat Service a couple of years ago. Well, what stopped me! courage, confidence and money, all those things came into play. We all want to make the right decisions, for ourselves and others around us. Sometimes we are given a gentle push.

So, I was made redundant at the end of 2018 due to relocation, I thought this is it, go for it. Dismally, I bottled it, and started another role that wasn’t really for me, needless to say we parted ways after a year, it just did not work out.
So here I am back where I started and this time I am not letting anything get in my way. At this point, I need to mention Covid 19. For me, the effect of the pandemic was that I could not easily walk into another role as planned. In addition, I was given the gift of time. These were the two things that ironically where in my favour, and influenced my decision to get on with it.
There are a lot of outsource possibilities for a business, however, Live Chat might not immediately spring to mind. Although having a dedicated experienced agent chatting to your customers can give your business all kinds of benefits. A consistent flow of communication and a fantastic way to understand opinions about you and your service, are just a couple.
I’ll mention how I discovered Live Chat. Some years ago, I was asked with a colleague, to develop a dedicated Live Chat Team for the Which? Legal Department. It was a challenge but an exciting one! we worked hard and it was a big success, I loved the team I put together, and discovering what worked with Live Chat, and what did not, was astonishing. I got the bug. I really believe it is a great communication tool, and I know it is an effective way to get to know your clients.
I am truly excited to be able to support businesses to connect with clients through different platforms, perhaps ones they have not considered. The Live Chat Factory, will be a communication portal, sharing best practices with all our clients, how to really get to know, and keep your customers.
I understand as a business there is not always time or resources to have a dedicated Live Chat person. In some scenarios if Live Chat already exists as a channel for clients, it is secondary to the businesses telephone service and sometimes forgotten about. I understand how easily that can happen, especially when everyone’s busy.
Back to why we are here, its to support businesses, whether it’s for sales, could be service led or for lead generation. I have always believed that Live Chat is a skill, and, carried out properly it can increase revenue, retention and customer satisfaction. Live Chat Factory, can do all that for a business, by being that experienced extra pair of hands. Without that business having to employ someone else or add to its existing work-forces tasks. I am genuinely looking forward to hearing from you.